Online Anapana Practice Sessions

Anapana Meditation is a way to keep the mind cool and calm, by concentratingChildren Course on one object. To become the master of our mind, we need some lessons, enough time and a good place to learn how to practice. With enough practice, meditation helps to replace bad thoughts and feelings with happy ones.

Dhamma has touched the lives of countless children across Karnataka in the form of Anapana practice, conducted under MITRA Upakram and children’s courses. To help these children continue their daily practice we will host 10-minute online Anapana practice sessions. All sessions are hosted with S N Goenka Ji’s instructions in Hindi and English.

Current Daily Schedule is: (IST)
Morning: 6.45 – 7:00 AM
Evening: 7:00 – 7:15 PM
Night: 9:00 – 9:15 PM

Link for joining the above sessions:

Participation is free.

To practice Anapana anytime at your convenience, please download the Anapana app from Play Store or App Store:

Write to [email protected] for any query.

May all children get established in Dhamma & get liberated.

With Metta!